I have been thinking deeply about how the "staples" of our wardrobes have changed in this past year; as most things have. It is always fun and absolutely necessary to add new trends and have fun with color, texture & pattern within our wardrobe; however, it is essential that we have a foundation for these exciting pieces to be a part of. Think of a new house- the fixtures; like the kitchen cabinets and the bathroom tile are so important as a way to show the homeowner's style & personality. However, you can't have those beautiful "add ons" without the foundation of the house in place. The "staples" of your wardrobe are the foundation, just like the house, and the fixtures are "add ons," they add character, personality, spice! Wardrobe staples used to be boring- Black slacks, a white button down shirt, a black shoe They have always slightly differed & evolved with the times- but 2020 definitely pushed us into a whole new wor